Energy and Utilities

Euclidox Energy and Utilities Solutions

Service Levels and Efficiency

Enhance your ability to service power outages by using Euclidox’s algorithms. Identify problems as they unravel and deploy maintenance assets before a power failure has been reported. Integrate weather information with grid damages to create a more robust system.

Peak Demand Management

Understand customer demand patterns, and anticipate peak demand periods. Use Euclidox to explore load configurations that ensure a reliable service to your customers, and propose capital investments and budgets with confidence.

Fraud and Meter Tampering

Controlling the erosion of revenue due to tampering of metering devices can be a significant burden to any power and utility company. Euclidox’s machine learning algorithms are a reliable alternative that can identify and control these types of losses while keeping your resources focused on their main mission – delivering power.

Micro-Grid Systems

Delivering power to remote locations in the Andean regions is still a challenge and a promise that several government institutions in South America are still trying to fulfill. Recent advances in portable power systems loaded with Euclidox’s algorithms are allowing utility companies to manage micro-grid performance from remote villages while government officials get closer to fulfill their promises.

Portable Power Systems (IoT)

Technology is constantly evolving, and the need for more sustainable alternatives is now a global priority. Euclidox in partnership with Datfax Power Systems has created smart substitutive technologies for the traditional fossil fuel electric generator; now, local governments can benefit from having a robust off-grid power backup infrastructure and all the data it produces.

Network Optimization

Do not let the complexity of your network become an obstacle. Use Euclidox to gain the control and visibility that allow you to be one step ahead of critical network events. Be ready to allocate resources where they are needed, and at the right moment.

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