Products and Services

Scalable Enterprise Data Systems (SEDS)

We have created SEDS to allow you see your entire organization from an single software system.  With SEDS you can see all your organization’s departments (i.e. Operations, Employees, Customers, Billing, etc. ) as they operate in real time.  SEDS gives you visibility of potential issues and traceability for the existing ones, and it is scalable for a reason:  SEDS was created to grow  with your organization depending on your needs.  Maybe today you just need to have control over your Manufacturing process, and further down the road you would like to add Inventory capabilities – that’s not a problem!

Euclidox Data Infrastructure Services (EDIS)

IoT Data Acquisition

Acquire new data using our IoT Sensors, and have access to all your IoT devices from our Cloud platform (see below).  Tap into your data sources without having to make prohibitive investments in the required hardware and software infrastructure – just give us a call and we will put our  infrastructure at your service.  Rent as many IoT sensors as you need and visualize your data as they are created; set alerts for data events, and observe trends that help you identify problems.

Industrial IoT Integration Services

Whether you need to acquire new data, or you are already acquiring them but they are all over the place – we can help.  Euclidox can put all your data sources “under one roof” making them readily accessible and useful to your organization.  No matter what type of data sources you handle we are experienced integrators of IoT devices, software systems,  automated equipment and manual processes.

Data Infrastructure Design and Maintenance

We can design and maintain your data infrastructure.   Euclidox can transform your business from a state of zero data science capabilities into a data-science-ready organization by creating a robust and permanent pipeline of data that fuels your insights.

Euclidox Analytics Services (EAS)

We generate insights from the data you produce.  Euclidox is ready to create and run analytic models that provide the insights that help you to solve the challenges you encounter in your day-to-day operation

Euclidox Decision Support Services (EDSS)

We can develop and implement intelligent technologies that improve your business processes and help you make decisions .  At Euclidox, we can create state of the art algorithms, optimization models, Machine Learning Models, and complete custom software applications that give you a greater ROI (Return on Intelligence) and put you on a faster track to reach your targets.